Endometrial Cancer I                  (初期子宫内膜癌)

In Chinese medicine, Endometrial cancer more endogenous heat, stasis toxin Accumulation, in addition to liver and kidney, tune Chong and Ren outside must dispelling evil, and evil to positive from safety, clinical findings, mainly the following types: ① liver Yu qi stagnation: the irritability, irregular menstruation, poor sleep soundly at night, more than a dream easy to wake up, mouth and throat pain, lower abdomen pain as the main clinical manifestations. ② damp type: dripping with vaginal bleeding, vaginal discharge Chibai white, lower abdomen pain, fall, greasy yellow tongue coating, slippery pulse number as the main clinical manifestations. ③ Ecchymosis within junction: the cloud dripping blood, stasis dark colors, red and white vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, abdominal mass, dark tongue as the main clinical manifestations of stasis. 

子宫内膜癌多湿热内生,瘀毒蕴结,除了补肝肾、调冲任之外,还须祛邪,邪去而正自安,临证所见,主要有以下几型: ①肝郁气滞型  以心烦易怒、月经不调、夜寐欠佳、多梦易醒、口苦咽干、少腹胀痛为主要临床表现. ②湿热下注型: 以阴道出血淋漓不尽、带下赤白相间、少腹坠痛、舌苔黄腻、脉滑数为主要临床表现. ③瘀毒内结型: 以浊血淋漓、色瘀暗、带下赤白、腹部疼痛、小腹肿块、舌暗瘀为主要临床表现.

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